PS "Kardio 35"

Welcome to the “Kardio 35”

We have officially established association dedicated to young cardiologists in the Czech Republic on January 10th, 2012. This working group called “Kardio 35“ is part of The Czech Society of Cardiology and already unifies more than 90 members. Incentive to establish such a working group was initiative of The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) dedicated to young cardiologists known as ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow. One of the major personalities who supported the launch of our group was, ESC Board member, professor Josef Kautzner. “Kardio 35“ is along with other national groups involved in the ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow platform to provide connection of young cardiologists with their peers and to keep them informed about what's happening in the field of cardiology in Europe.

Who are we?

The “Kardio 35“ working group of The Czech Society of Cardiology is led by a Board composed as follows:


Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine- IKEM
Cardiology Department
Videnska 1958/9
140 21 Prague, Czech Republic

Dr Tomas ROUBICEK, PhD (Liberec Hospital)

Dr Jiri PLASEK, PhD (University Hospital Ostrava)
Dr Michal SNOREK (Ceske Budejovice Hospital)

Scientific Secretary
Dr Jan VACLAVIK, PhD (University Hospital Olomouc)

Board Members
Dr Pavol TOMASOV (University Hospital Motol, Prague), Dr Lucia BARCIAKOVA (Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague), Dr Radoslav MAXIAN (Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague), Dr Martin KLEISSNER (Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague), Dr Tereza SVARCOVA (University Hospital Hradec Kralove), Dr Stepan JIROUS (University Hospital Plzen).

Who can become a member of the “Kardio 35“?

According to ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow principles, young professionals under 36 years of age and/or physicians in training in cardiology can join “Kardio 35“ working group of The Czech Society of Cardiology.

What main advantages we offer?

The aim of "Kardio 35" is to improve possibilities of clinical and scientific professional growth of its members during training in cardiology in the following areas:

  • organize parallel sections of young cardiologists at The Czech Society of Cardiology conferences and at separate national and international meetings focused on education
  • support the participation of young cardiologists in research projects and publishing their results
  • provide assistance in arranging internships abroad and/or in the Czech Republic
  • belong to a community
  • provide connections among young cardiologists for a professional advancement
  • represent young cardiologists at meetings of The Czech Society of Cardiology Committee
  • participate in adjustments to postgraduate training programme in cardiology

What we have already done?

Our first educational activity was represented by organization of a two-hour training session focused on the ECG diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias and electrophysiological testing principles at the 10th Czech and Slovak Symposium on Arrhythmias and Cardiac Pacing in Zlin, Czech Republic in January 2012. In addition to invited lectures provided by specialists from the field, the interactive case reports were presented by Czech and Slovak young cardiologists. This educational event with fully occupied auditorium received very positive reviews.
Another educational act of “Kardio 35” was providing the attendance at a two-day conference Clinical Interventional Rhythmology Update 2012 held in March 2012 in Vienna, Austria. 8 young cardiologists took part in this meeting under the auspices of professor Josef Kautzner and kind support of the Cardion company.
Working group “Kardio 35” provided free registration for four young cardiologists in training for Alpe Adria Conference held in June 2012 in Bratislava, Slovakia.
The Board of “Kardio 35” as a part of the ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow initiative has also provided free registration for 9 young cardiologists to attend ESC Congress 2012 in Munich, Germany.

Working together we want to promote principles of ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow and to provide best career resources and maximize growth of all young professionals in the field of Cardiology.

“Kardio 35” Board Chairman

Dr. Michal SNOREK
“Kardio 35” Board Vice-chairman 

european society
of cardiology


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Česká kardiologická společnost
Netroufalky 6b, 625 00 Brno
543 213 825
© Česká kardiologická společnost