Welcome Address
New date: May 13, 2007 till 12.00
New venue: Brno Exhibition Grounds, pavilion E, 1st and 2nd Floor
Dear friends,
I am sorry to tell you that the number of participating young cardiologists is small, so it will be necessary to reduce the present scope of the Alpe-Adria-Cardiology Meeting. We tried to remit registration fee and prolong the deadline till the end of February, but without any results. So we realized that the AAC 2007 would be hold only one day – in the same day when our XV Annual Meeting of the Czech Cardiologic Society would begin. The committee of the CCS accepted our proposals so there would be following changes in the Alpe-Adria Cardiology Meeting organization:
Opening will be at the place of the Annual Meeting (Brno Exhibiton Ground - pavillion E)on Sunday 13.5.2007 at 12.00 (registration from 10.00). The lectures will be separated into individual blocks and each block will have its own presidium consisting of two members of the International Board of the AAC Blocks will be started by announced lecture. The lectures will be hold in parallel in three halls and a posters discussion will be taken into account.
The International Advisory Board meeting will be hold on Saturday evening.
I hope you will understand these necessary programme changes.
In the case of need of accommodation from May 12 - May 13, please send the e-mail to klimova@kardio-cz.cz
All the registration fees for the Alpe-Adria Meeting has been cancelled.
The information about the time and place of presentation will be sent all active participants in next 14 days. Oral presentation will be given in three halls - hall Hradec Kralove, Plzen and hall Olomouc in pavillion E, 1st and 2nd Floor. Posters will be displayed in Poster Hall, pavillion E - Poster Hall from 12.00 till 18.00 (May 13).
We believe that the weak participation of young cardiologists is due to little interest in town Brno and not due to decreasing interest in AAC.
Thank you for your sympathy and I am looking forward to see you in Brno
On behalf of Organization Committee: 
Prof. Roman Cerbak
President of the 15th Alpe-Adria Cardiology Meeting